Thursday, April 16, 2009

Senior Year with a Bang!

This year has been a roller coaster- a never ending one. Up and down I go. The bang I used in my title is the moments that have rocked me this year. Finding faith, losing faith, and finding it again are some of the bigger ones. Without the cancer diagnosis of my grandfather, I don't know if I would have lost and found the faith. It was a hard time in my life and it still it.
If there is one thing I have learned- Faith can and will et you through anything.
There was a quote I heard today and it reminds me of my internship, "The poor are Christ in a particularly disturbing way." Think about it.
My life as a student has also changed majorly. Taking the production classes have taken over my life. I no longer have time to work or do homework on the weekends. I am always on set or auditioning. In between classes I am trying to find time to get in an editing suite to work on my part of the project. This class may be sucking all my free time away, but it has thrown my into teh real world of working in film. I cannot wait until I can work in film without having to deal with other obligations like classes and work.
In one month, I will be leaving the country for the first time ever, and by myself. I, Sara Benner, am going to Paris, France. In Paris, I plan on studying French New Wave Film and if my campus rep program lets me- continue to promote TOMS over there (since TOMS is all I plan on wearing while in France).
I am hoping to use this blog to write about my predeparture, my time in France, and then my last semester here at the University.