Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Short blurb.

New Pictures!!!

I have a lot to share. I just do not have the time to sit down and write it all down... Yesterday we went to Studio 28- the first real cine in Paris. It is amazing and to make it even better, we saw Looking for Eric, which played at Cannes. It was a great film. I recommend it. Something a little funny though- the thick British accent was sometimes too hard to comprehend and I found myself using the French subtitles to figure out what was being said! Talk about irony!
For those that do not know, Studio 28 is in the Montemarte District of France, also known as the Artist District. We were entertained by a gypsy balancing a fishbowl on his head while eating crepes and a drunk (or at least I hope) singing about cheese to our professor.
After the film we walked to Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart) Cathedral. It is beautiful. We were there at 9PM, so we couldn't go in, but I want to go back so bad. It looks amazing. To top it off, the cathedral is at the top of the Amelie stairs!!! Amazing! If you have never seen Amelie- watch it now!
Today we received the chance to visit Cinematheque Francias. It is amazing. I wish it was bigger. They had more of Edison's inventions, and none of Lumiere's. It was frustrating. Then they didn't mention Bioscope or Edison forcing the Lumiere Bros out of the United States. It was like they wanted to make Edison look like the good guy, which i know is false. Edison actually was a greedy man, like all business men.
I did buy 3 bottles of wine today... all together they cost 4Euros. They are sitting pretty on my shelf right now.
So that is a brief blurb about the past two days... Now a video for your entertainment.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I feel like we are going to go back home and try to pay for everything with quarters- Steph.

Notre Dame is amazing. It is so beautiful- inside and out. The worst and best part is the climb to the top of the building. It is all done in circular stairs and its so tall! Everyone was so tired and Zach compared us to someone one was doing drugs. We were quite delirious. I am so sore. It was quite ridiculous.
The most zen part of Notre Dame for me was lighting a candle for my Grandfather, Lloyd Benner. It meant so much for me. So right not, there is a candle burning for my Grandfather in Notre Dame. How extraordinary. There was so much I saw, but it is so hard to describe.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some extra pictures...

Here is the link to some more pictures that will not fit here.


if that link doesn't work, try copying and pasting this:

A Brief Summary of the past couple days...

I have tried so many new foods while being here. I tried escargot, frog legs, crepes, creme brulee, and so much more. Some are interesting and others well... I don't know how to explain them.
I just came back from the Eiffel Tower lighting they do every night. It was so beautiful. The tower itself is UGLY!!! Beautiful from far away, ugly up close. But once it got dark and the tower lit up, the atmosphere changed. Then it sparkled- I don't really know how to explain it.
So for my birthday, one of my favorite professors came and lectured to us- fantastic! Then... we went to the Louvre. Mona Lisa isn't that cool. It's a painting on a wood board. The only reason it's so popular is because DaVinci actually kept and didn't give it away or destroy it.
I was more interested in the Medieval Louvre than anything else. You can see the former parts of the castle and the city walls and hear the history behind it before it was cut down and build over. The new Louvre is MASSIVE!!!! I took pictures trying to capture it, but I don't think I was able to show the massive size of it. We actually went back to the Louvre on Saturday, but we were kicked out because they closed at 6 and we arrived at 4:30ish... I don't think we even finished one wing. I think we will be going back soon cause I want to see the Egyptian exhibit and take some pictures for my sister. I think it is interesting that their are so many unfinished works in the Louvre that are considered priceless because of who did not finish them- Michelangelo, for instance. I really love the statute of the Sun King- King Louis XIV.
We walked by the statute of Joan of Arc and it was covered in flowers. I want to go back there soon and take a picture. That is one amazing woman.
So earlier today we went to the Picasso Musee. The museum itself was a maze, like his works. It was kinda intense. We kept finding random corners and dead ends while looking at his works.
Of course we have gone out, and going out here is a little different then going out back home. But some things do not change- i.e. guys wanting to get with girls. But it doesn't matter- all that matters is that we were having fun with our group. I have been a party pooper and heading to bed early the past couple days, but I feel a lot better then the rest of the group the day after.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I think I found my new home...

I am totally and completely in love with Paris. First of all- the metro system is amazing and organized! Even if you get on the wrong train, you can still get where you were originally heading to with ease!
I saw Roman baths that were recently unearthed.
I also went to my first film here in Paris, a River Phoenix movie (for those who did not know- American cinema influenced French New Wave). We also walked through the Latin Quarter. Amazing! We will definitely be heading back there. We will be heading to Versailles this weekend! I am soooo excited! And it sounds like we may make a trip to Italy next weekend.
So in a few hours, I will be heading to the Louvre for a walking tour of it. I am really excited for it. Did you know it use to be one of many palaces? There are so many palaces here in Paris.
I am in love with the architecture here. The architecture back home is so bland, but here- it is so intricate and beautiful.
The food, oh the food! It is amazing! No matter what you can't go wrong... actually-lie. Camenbert is horrible! None of us can stand it. You know all the expensive cheese in America? It's the cheap cheese here, that everyone eats. It is so good. The croissants are so flaky and the coffee is amazing. Though their version of coffee is espresso, which is fine. The portions here are usually smaller, but still so filling. The pastiserries are amazing. I have never seen so many crazy and delicious looking desserts before in my life. And every meal comes with bread and salad.
When you go to the cinema here, do not expect popcorn or a concession stand- most theaters do not have them...
The French are not bad as people make them to be. Attempt to speak French and be courteious and you will be fine. Everytime you enter a building say "Bonjour" or "Bon soir." Everytime you leave a building say "Au Reviour." Some of my group don't get this, but I have learned it helps out a lot. Also, the French love exact change! Try to give them exact change or close to. It helps things move faster.
My French is getting better. I think the survival French will help my French get better and I cannot wait.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I went to bed and saw this...
The random chick is my roomie- Stephanie. She was in a Pocahantos mood.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pigeons can die...

Pigeons are too stupid for their own good. So I went to open the window- you know fresh air and like five tried to fly in on me!!!! They flew at me! Freaky! Then one was outside of our window and we had our blinds closed, so it looked like it was inside, not a good moment for me or Stef- my roommate. Everyone here is amazing. I guess I am a really smart American since I was able to use the metro system on my own yesterday. Supposedly it's too hard for Americans to usually use. I thought it was quite simple-quite superior to American transportation systems. Oh by the way... Madi would love it here, they all drive stick!
I love the view from my room. It is so amazing to say I wake up and I see the Eiffel Tower! I think it really hit me that I was in Paris when I saw the Eiffel Tower. I am excited to see it when the sun goes down soon. It is almost nine at night here, so another hour or so before the sun goes down.

Day 2 - View From My Room

So I looked out the window today and this is what I saw. I took many pictures of the Eiffel Tower. We had baguettes for dinner- yum... I'm not really sure what I had for lunch... It had seafood in it and it was decent...

Day 1 Part2...

Paris Opera House. The Metro actually stops under it. It was cool to walk under.


Anyone read any Shakespeare? Falstaff???

Start of Day one...

I decided to finally put some pictures up...

Maybe I should get a flickr... I'll add that website soon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

fact of the day: mcdonalds you get free wifi, but have to pay to go to the bathroom...

Interesting facts, I also learned the French do not like ketchup as much as we do. I am eating dry frites... aka french fries. Though, everything is made fresh as you order and ordering espresso is norm. The flight here was not bad, and I was able to stretch out and sleep- though I wish I was able to fly business where their seats turn into beds and they are given laptops. I did get to watch The Office (3 episodes) on the way over. The worst part of the flight was Chicago to Boston, we kept hitting air pockets and dropping- scary, but we made it.
Getting around Paris using the metro is very easy, but I did make a mistake- right train, wrong direction. I made it to the hostel, though I am not allowed in my room until 2PM/ 14:00. I figured I should get use to Parisian time. Even the employees of McDonalds have a full uniform- including special pants!
Yes, all the cars are tiny. In a bit, I will be walking around Paris to take pictures after I lock up my computer and backpack.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So after spending many hours in the editing suites and after both my TA and professor complimented me on my dedication, I have realized I know what I will be doing in the future. I will work in post-production. I love being in my little bubble getting everything done, making sure everything runs together smoothly and seeing if other editing needs to be done.
Though, a few group members do not seem to appreciate the extra work I am doing and think I am overstepping my boundary. I know I am not, especially after both my TA and professor told me I was doing the right thing. One thing that really irritated me was that today, a day after original meeting went down, a group member decided to bring up what we should do about transitions in between scenes that transitions were not shot for. Ummm.... that was discussed yesterday- I was working on that. I know what is happening, I have transitions worked out, but no this person does not like that I am doing it- well post is my passion and I am going to do it no matter what, and if I didn't do it we would be so far behind we would not be able to make it for next week's premiere.

Work now, more blogging later

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Little Things

Since I have taken up editing and working on post-production, I have started noticing so many things in movies that have never bugged me before. Even if I try to watch a movie as a 'normal' viewer- I can't. I notice the dialogue not synched up to the actors jaw from an over-the-shoulder shot. I can tell you if the lighting is motivated, if the cuts between make sense. I also notice that I freak out if the shot is amazing. The perfect lighting set up, the perfect shot, and amazing camera work. There are few scenes that seem to impress me anymore. Do I still love watching films? Of course. It takes many people to make a scene, and think of all the people that are on teh set that are there to make this story work. I watch films so I can support others that love the same passion as me. Without the support of people, we couldn't have an independent or a Hollywood films.