Thursday, July 15, 2010

B.E.D. Montage Pre-production

Batteries are charged. Lights are packed & ready to go. Camera is in the passenger seat, along with the production book.  It's the day before the first official freelance shoot.
I will be filming the B.E.D. weekend and all events that pertain to it.
I am constantly double-checking everything- is there enough tapes, are the logistics set, talent release forms ready?
So much to do and so little time. The week before BED is crazy in the office. It's interesting working on both the marketing side and the cinematography side of the event.
Not only am I starting tomorrow, the event goes through Sunday. I wonder how many hours of sleep I will get. Probably not much- probably comparable to a crabber's sleep schedule. I am not complaining though. It is the life I want.  This event will be launching pad hopefully for my future.

Come back to hear more of my weekend tales.